Catherine + Daniel | Palais Royale Winter Wedding | Toronto

I’m about to work backwards in my shooting sequence. I blogged one wedding from last season (oops) and then sheeet got craaazy! So here it begins.

My final wedding of 2014 was shared with Catherine & Daniel at the gorgeous Palais Royale in Toronto. Their beautiful winter wedding came together so perfectly with the right amount of colour and sparkle, and filled to the brim with sophistication and a little sass. And when the bride is a #mosista you better believe there will be homage paid to the moustache, especially with a NMovember wedding. Catherine and Daniel opted for a first look (which you may know Iโ€™m a big fan of) before heading outside for photos. These two and their rock star wedding party braved the chilly temps and gusty waterfront with zero complaints. Yeah team! C+D, thank you for being so incredibly awesome to work with and including me in your special day.  If you find that you have a vacancy if your beautiful home, do let me know. ;)

Catherine+Daniel Palais Royale2015-01-06_00012015-01-06_00022015-01-06_00032015-01-06_00042015-01-06_00052015-01-06_00062015-01-06_00082015-01-06_00092015-01-06_00102015-01-06_0011
2015-01-06_0052Catherine+Daniel Palais Royale2015-01-06_00202015-01-06_00212015-01-06_00222015-01-06_00232015-01-06_00242015-01-06_00252015-01-06_00262015-01-06_00272015-01-06_00282015-01-06_00292015-01-06_00302015-01-06_00312015-01-06_00322015-01-06_00332015-01-06_00342015-01-06_00352015-01-06_00362015-01-06_00372015-01-06_00382015-01-06_00392015-01-06_00402015-01-06_0041Catherine+Daniel2015-01-06_00422015-01-06_00432015-01-06_0044-22015-01-06_0044-32015-01-06_0044-42015-01-06_0044-52015-01-06_00442015-01-06_0045