Meredith & Geoff | Distillery District Toronto Engagement

Meredith & Geoff are getting married tomorrow, yes, TOMORROW! I am a wee bit behind in blogging…just a bit.
I met Meredith years ago through a mutual friend and I’m so happy we recently reconnected. Geoff was brand new to me when we met up for their engagement session in June, but by the end of our session, he felt like an old friend too. These guys are soooo easy to get along with and just a natural fit for each other. I was kind of bummed when we were unable to get a table for a drink after our session. We had such a good time and I wanted to learn more about their story. What I do know, is these two are crazy about each other, and I’m so pumped to be part of their wedding day celebration at Taboo tomorrow. xo

Distillery District EngagementDistillery District EngagementDistillery District Engagement2014-08-22_00062014-08-22_00072014-08-22_00082014-08-22_0009Distillery District EngagementToronto Engagement2014-08-22_0012Toronto EngagementSt James Park Toronto Engagement